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Our business philosophy is to encourage in individuals the values of Dreaming,
Sharing and Caring to help them live towards a better life for themselves and their families.
Lucas & S will be light of world, deliver hope to world and convey love to world by dream, share and care.
  • Dreaming
    Every Success story starts with a Dream!
    One of Lucas & S’s Philosophies is “Dreaming”
    Community, with dreams
    Community, achieve dreams
    Community, share dreams
  • Sharing
    One of Lucas & S’s Philosophies is “Sharing”
    Share the thought, Share the act,
    Share the success.
    It means we are together as one happy community.
  • Caring
    There is considerations in the philosophy of Lucas & S.
    One of Lucas & S’s Philosophies is “Caring”
    We will become a company that fulfills its mission of "Enriching the lives of all people."